Samstag 03.06.

Milonga en Alpargatas
Once more in Linz: TANGO PRÁCTICA! Saturday 3rd of June from 19:00 till 23:00 in Herrenstraße 5, 4020 Linz, Austria.
The Práctica de Tango is a bridge between the regular tango technique classes and the milonga. It is a place to share doubts, seek answers and generate new questions. An open space where we mainly meet to share embraces and our passion for the social dance. The main idea is to enjoy the meeting in a relaxed atmosphere and open to integration.
The proposal for this meeting will be structured in the following way:
-Warm-Up Class from 19:00 till 19:45 by Marce López. A little preparation for the Práctica!
-Práctica from 19:45 till 23:00, after the warm-up the „pista“ becomes a place to practice and explore tango. I will be there for individual wishes and needs of the participants.
-Live Music Concert with Jorge Garzon Perez and Juan Cuamatzi.
-DJ without „Tandas“ by Michael Hulek.
Please save the date and do not hesitate in contact me if you have questions…
Looking forward to seeing you again!
Big abrazo for everyone,